Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jello's jigglin

Gabriela is gone. Gloria is paid. The floors are swept. Sheets folded. Dust dusted. Shades are drawn and the sun has's time to leave Madrid. Qué triste.
I knew this day would eventually come. I knew my time here wouldn't last forever, but the end arrives so suddenly, and when it does it's hard to comprehend. The end creates questions of doubt in our when I am going to come back? How's my spanish? Are you dense? Do most people really use peanut butter as bug repellant? does that work?
I thought i would have a better grasp on life and the world when my trip was all done...but to tell you the truth i'm more confused and torn up than ever before. HOwever, i'm completely REJUVENATED...a well-deserved break from the USA...and now that it's time to return, i couldn't be happier. Sad to leave Madrid, ecstatic to be back in the warm embrace of my home, my country, my family, my friends (sunsovbitches).
I spent last night at my favorite blues bar in Madrid. La Coquette. The thick waiter, with a full beard and wide eyes raced around the bar with his chest puffed out, agile feet, and a questioning, goofy smile...he is the Spanish version of Jack Black. I laugh every time i see him. He laughs too. "Estás listo?"...he responds in funny spanish english as Jack Black would if he did not speak english, "Ohhhh! I am ready."
Neither of us know what the other one is talking about...i randomly asked a waiter who i've only met a handful of times if he was ready...and without skipping a beat he responds in a different language. Both of us talking about nothing in our second languages. He is Jack Black...or en realidad, Juan Negro.
The harmonica player was a magician...he made sounds come out of that harmonica that i've never heard before...and the lead guitarist with shiny gray hair and a soul patch killed it....he knew his guitar like the backside of his hand. These guys dueled it out all night, giving us an incredible show.
Sitting in the crowd sipping on my cold Mahou, occasionally smoking a borrowed cigarette, completely surrounded by Spaniards, while spanish blues blast in the background - couldn't think of a better way to go out.
One last dish of Bravas and a croquetta to go. I'm gone.
Actually i have one more night and a shitload of money - just got my deposit back. What should i do? I can think of a few things. I'm going to go out with a bang. My bags are packed. All i have to do is grab them and hop on the metro. I've completely eliminated the idea of sleep from my mind, and reality is starting to sound Spanish.
Hasta luego Madrid, mi amor. Hasta pronto USA.

Qué triste/feliz & for the last time,
C.M. Stassel

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