Thursday, October 21, 2010

Es jueves...jueves...jueves...

I ate in the restaurant today. It's different from the cafeteria. Not only are the names different, but the food is different - sometimes it's better. Today they served chicken and pasta with my choice of either a bottle of water or vino. I chose the vino and bought a coke - to make...can you remember?....CALIMOCHO! A little calimoch to go with lunch.
Today is Thursday, the day that I play fútbol. Last week we lost 6-2, but I played well as portero in the second half.
I slowly walked up to the basketball court/ soccer court with a bent brow, beaming glare, and a mean scowl (in my mind it was in slow motion. My mind.). I was sick of these Spaniard jugadores running circles around AMERICA.
Soccer shorts and an extra shirt in my mochilla, i was still in my school clothes. I undraped my pants and tore off my shirt. I wasn't in a hurry. I stood there in my boxers and socks - enjoying the sun and breeze. I made sure the other team knew I was comfortable standing there almost nude. I don't know what kind of point I was trying to make, but I definitely made it. Finally clothing myself, I laced up my Nikes and took my position in goal.
Our game plan was to keep me in goal for the first half - i was our only hope. The goalie (portero) gets most of the action on our side. I was serious. They called me Porteraso.
Fast forward to the end of the first half. Mateo has a quarter sized blister on the ball of his foot, Nick is crying on the sideline with a hurt heel, Sam is limping around, and we're down 5-0.
Game plan didn't work. What do we do when the game plan doesn't work? Well, I know what I do. I grabbed my basketball and starting dunking on the 9' 8 rims. They might mop the floor with us in soccer, but they can't hang on the basketball court - they knew it.
Ended the game 5-0. I almost scored 3 times when I came out of goal...but didn't.
After the game I threw oops to this big Spaniard and then we split up the teams and played some pickup.
Seviano the Magician lit a hash cigarette as he nutmegged Ryan and spun on one of his amigos. Cigarette in mouth, he commands the ball like a puppet master and scores from 18 out- it's beautiful to watch.
I feel like I'm experiencing the real Spain - The real Madrid - everytime i play fútbol with these hombres.
Fue la polla.

Atlético game tonight. I invited this girl named Ana...she can't go. Ana is beautiful, but I'm only going to invite her to so many Atlético games....i'll probably invite her every time - i'm a sucker for her dark eyes and beautiful accent.

As I siesta,
C.M. Stassel

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